


How might Authentic Coaching support you? 

  • Fulfillment - Uncover what brings satisfaction and gratitude. What would you most love to see when you look back at this time?

  • Leadership - Find your own inner authentic voice to bring out the best in yourself and others.

  • Meaningful Vision/Goals - Set and take action in areas that have the most meaning for you.

  • Well-being - Evolve and develop ways of being that serve your physical and overall vitality.

  • Relationships - Cultivate rewarding interactions with those around you.

  • Time - Experience doing more of what matters most to you with less effort.

  • Money - Renew your relationship with money to experience greater alignment, resources and even ease.

  • Contribution - See how you would love to make a difference, and then take steps to make it happen.

  • Thriving - Rediscover your own resilience and see what brings grace or sparks joy, even during uncertain times.


What Authentic Coaching is not:

  • Therapy supports healing and insights; while it may be therapeutic, coaching supports action.

  • Consulting offers advice; coaching supports you to access your own wisdom.

  • Mentoring offers a role model; while experience may be shared, coaching supports you to see your next authentic step.

  • Training provides specific objectives; coaching supports you to discover, set goals, and take action toward what is most important for you.

Individual authentic Coaching

How does it work?

My starting package is 6 months, two 55-minute sessions per month, including text and email support in between sessions to celebrate and mark milestones.  This time frame is long enough for meaningful results and short enough for a do-able commitment. You can always renew as we approach the end of 6 months.

I streamline our work together and the set up is simple, easy, and straight-forward each step of the way.

Free Discovery Session

We'll start by seeing if there’s a fit and if so, clarifying what you'd love to get out of working together as well as answering any questions.  

My intention is to offer value in every interaction, so regardless of whether we work together, I will support you to see your next authentic action.

Simple Contract

   If we see we're a fit, we'll review and sign a digital contract and start as soon as you'd like. 

Coaching Sessions

In our sessions, you'll move past challenges, set goals, make action plans & celebrate successes.

I’d love to hear how you’d most love to be supported

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